Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Kiss & Cry & Cringe

Nathan Chen goes boom in the short program

Watching some of the U.S. skaters falling short of their Olympic dreams has been painful for the SJG. Yesterday, I needed a strong dose of Advil and an emergency face massage for all the cringing I've been doing. You see, when the skaters go boom, I'm plunged into all the stages of grief before settling into my favorite stage: blame. What's that? Blame isn't one of the categories? Oh, get over yourself, you. Maybe not officially, but trust me, blame is embedded in there, too. Not that I blame the skaters. They've done nothing wrong. I blame the ice. I blame the ice skates. Thank God, I don't blame myself, because come on, that would be a waste of blame. I'm just sitting there, rooting for them. And when they tumble, I go right down with them. "Do you have to fall off the couch?" hubby asked me the other night. "How else can I show my support?"
Nathan and his coach at the Kiss & Cry area, awaiting his disappointing scores. But listen, the Quad King redeemed himself in the long program, making ice skating history! Proving the SJG theory which I'm happy to loan you for a small fee: "When you fall on your ass, get back up and go for it. You've got nothing to lose, bubbie. Nothing!"
Ashley Wagner goes boom. Ouch, that hurts!

A double boom for Madison Chock & Evan Bates

Listen, just between us, I can't wait till this whole Winter Olympic thing is over. There's only so much suffering I can take on behalf of these hard-working skaters. It's getting to me. I need a rest. 

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