Saturday, January 27, 2018

Still Life With Fake Lemons

So, last night, hubby brought home extra "prop" lemons from a promotional shoot for a new show called "Life Sentence." He was just so happy when he walked in the door, schlepping a big ol' bag of fake lemons. I tried to rise to his level of enthusiasm, but it wasn't easy:
"Look what I brought you!" 
"Something wonderful?"
"Lemons from the set." 
"Don't they look real?" 
"They look like lemons on steroids." 
"We had 1,200 lemons in a hot tub." 
"Wow. That's a lot of fake lemons."
"They looked real." 
"And what are we going to do with them?" 
"I see them in bowls." 
"Do you now?" 
"Ceramics bowls in the backyard." 
"'Cuz why?" 
"For color." 
"Just a bunch of random bowls full of fake lemons."
"Why not?"
"So many reasons. What else you got?" 
"We can put them in the trees." 
"So it looks like we have lemon trees?" 
"Wouldn't that be cool?"
"I'm not doing that." 
"I really thought you'd love the lemons."
"I didn't say I don't love them."
"You hate them."
"I don't hate the fake lemons, honey."
"I just... I thought... I thought it was... cute."
"Please don't cry, honey. It's very cute."
"You're just saying that."
"I really love the fake lemons."
"You do?"
"Yes. It just took me a while to adjust. But now that I'm looking at them, I know exactly what I'm going to do."
"Well, you know what they say. When life gives you fake lemons, make fake lemonade."
"That does sound refreshing." 
"I'll just whip up a batch."
"Can we drink it on our fake veranda?"
"In our fake rocking chairs."
"See, I knew I was onto something."
"You always are, honey." 


  1. I love lemons!!! Real —fake — no matter— you both are very lucky! Lucky Lemons!! 🍋

  2. Come by and collect some. One can only have so many fake lemons, Bubbles! xo
