Future Broadway Star |
The news that "Spider-Man: The Fiasco" is shutting down has created an exciting opportunity for the SJG. I'm taking Dusty to Broadway, just as soon as I can teach him to work those "jazz paws," perform a few simple acrobatics, and carry a tune. Barking for two hours won't fill the seats, I'm afraid. Like all things SJG, "Dusty: The Musical" will be a family project. The college boy will write the rap lyrics and play drums, the employed son will play electric guitar and write the music, hubby will find the backers and handle promotion, and the SJG will do the rest. Most important decision: what to serve at intermission. I'm thinking bagels, cream cheese and lox bites on tooth picks. I'm feeling so good about this, people. All I need to pull this puppy off: Dusty to hit those high notes (as of now, he's a little pitchy), a gifted canine chorus and a few billion dollars. Feel free to invest. The return is going to be huge, kina hora.
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