Thursday, May 3, 2012

Men At Work, And One Gal

No one enjoys a road closure more than the SJG.  What could be more fun than coming home to find you can't turn onto your own street?   Oh, the challenges of suburban living!  So character-building!  Sure, the discovery of a bright blue outhouse parked in front of your home might throw some folks off their game.  But the SJG refuses to be defined by useless rage and bitter resentment.  When giant trucks and jackhammers mess with my peaceful existence, I turn Zen-like.  I say pithy things like, "This too shall pass."  I remain positive.  "Look, honey, there's a pretty blue outhouse in front of our house!  I feel so blessed.  You know what this means, don't you?"  "What?" hubby asked.  "It means the only creatures peeing on our lawn will be canines, not humans.  God forbid the men in neon green, and the one woman, shouldn't have a comfy place to relieve themselves."  Naturally, hubby admired my upbeat attitude.  The outhouse, the road construction, the endless noise are signs of progress.  Inconvenience is a good thing, depending on how you look at it.  "I bet when they're done putting in those new pipes, they'll pave our street with gold," hubby said.  "Fingers crossed," I said, and went outside to watch my neighbor try to back out of his driveway without crashing into the bulldozer blocking his path.  Oops.  Better luck next time.
Men at work, and one gal


  1. Enquiring minds want (nee need) to know:
    1. Purpose of new pipe
    2. Construction duration in front of your home
    3. Compensation for placement of public facilities on private property
    4. Hours of noise, vibration, visual impacts
    5. Anticipated benefit to your abode
    6. Properly noticed environmental assessment and construction mitigation plan (beyond port-a-potty as a natural resources protection measure)
    7. Marketable tidbits gleaned during conversations associated with proffered cups of coffee / lemonade and cookies?

  2. Steve, please come over right now and take care of this! Thankie.

  3. I'm sending my 5 year old over right now. He loves the chance to watch a bulldozer-- but I think he'll want to use your facilities and not the blue outhouse.

  4. He's welcome to come. Hope he likes dogs that steal food.
