Lady Mary's dinner wear
As they say on "Downton Abbey," "Is there anything more thrilling than a new frock?" Well, nothing else comes to mind.
SJG's day wear
I did my best to look stylish while touring the Downton Abbey Exhibit, mostly with a bunch of gals and a few husbands forced to schlep along. "I've never even seen the show," confided the chap who snapped this fetching photo.
The fashion of the day
It was hard to pick a favorite gown, so I asked a guard, "Kind sir, may I borrow them all?" Sadly, the answer was a resounding no.

The fashion of Connie Ray
Here I am, your humble SJG, with the charming and talented star of Broadway, screen and telly, that's right, the one and only Connie Ray, in Central Park, enjoying the 89 degree weather. As pollen rained down upon us, infiltrating our brains, we chatted away, until the torrential downpour spoiled our fun. What followed was panic, heavy drenching and near catastrophe as we waded in the deepest of puddles, battled the wind and gave up on our useless umbrellas. By a miracle, we reached the sushi restaurant alive and sat down, our wet clothes clinging to our aging bodies, as we proceeded to blame each other for the overall sogginess of the situation. "You had to get that photo in Central Park," Connie said. "Excuse me? Who led us two blocks astray in the storm?" I countered. It went back and forth like this, accusations flying, until Bubbles, aka Debbi, arrived, looking suspiciously dry, to referee. "Drink your green tea and move on," she commanded. Easy to be logical when you're not soaked n' saturated from head to toe.

"On Wednesday we wear pink."
And then, off we went to see "Mean Girls," where I bought an overpriced "Mean Girls" sweatshirt and "Cool Mom" shirt to replace my fully-permeated tee. I almost changed right there in the lobby, till Bubbles directed me toward the ladies room. Thank you for that, Bubbles. Happy to report that "Mean Girls" was hilarious and fun and I almost forgot the dampness leaking into my bones. But at least the top part of me was dry, so there's that. What will today bring? More rain. More glorious Broadway. I remain your Loyal Sogginess.
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