Sunday, May 20, 2018

Haven't We Met Before?

Former Brat Packer  

At the swanky CW soiree in NYC, one conversation stayed with me more than others, and who would I be if I didn't share it with you? I'd be withholding.
"Hello, how are you, we've met before," a New York talent agent said to me, with absolute certainty.
"I don't think so," I said.
"Oh, I never forget a face," he said.
"I have one of those punims. People are always confusing me with someone else."
"But I have met you. I'm positive. I remember your kind eyes."
"Okay, well..."
"What's your name again?"
"Carol Schneider."
"Ha! I knew it," he said, victoriously. "I knew I'd met you. You were married to Andrew McCarthy."

Former Wife

"Actually, I've been married to my first husband for almost 38 years."
"No kidding. I must be thinking of the other Carol Schneider. Are you an actress?
"I've been accused of being overly dramatic, but no."
"I could've sworn you were Carol Schneider."
"I still am."
"Nice to see you again."
"You, too."

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